




May 5, 1945

Dear Mother and Daddy,

Things are looking up again. I just missed getting an A on my Sociology test by one point. Isn't that disgusting. You would think that I could have gotten at least one or two [more] points to make an A, [but] we are having another Sociology test next week and maybe I can get an A then. I've studied it three hours this morning and two hours this afternoon, so if I keep this up maybe I shall do better next time. I've revised my way of studying Political Science so that I can read more material, but learn it a little less thoroughly which I think will help on the next test. I think that nearly everyone did quite badly on the last test so I don't feel so badly about that now even though I know I couldn't have done very well. I don't know any more about Spanish

You've got the wrong idea about this house business. The sorority houses can't just

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


ask girls up there to live, that would be the same as having sororities. The Freshman girls more or less pick the houses that they want to live in and the girls in the house can't do anything about it. All they can do is invite girls up for dinner or lunch or something that they would like to have love in their house and hope the girls will like them well enough to choose their house. The way the situation is worked you write on a little card the names of the places you want to live in order of your preference. Then you draw a number and you get to live in your first, second, or third preference according to whether your number is low or high. If you get a low number you'll probably get to live in your first choice; if you get a high number you'll probably get a lower choice. It's all a matter of luck. The sororities don't have a thing to say about who lives in their houses, the only thing they do is to show certain girls that they want them in their house and hope the girl will put it down for

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her first choice and be lucky enough to get it..

We all want to live in the D.G. (Delta Gamma) house. All the D.G.'s have been so nice to us and I know they want us to live in their house. I rather doubt if we will get to though because there are about 400 girls and only about 80 places in sorority houses for those girls. Delta Gamma has always been about the best house up here and so naturally there will be a lot of girls who will want to live in the D.G. house even though they don't know any of the D.G. girls. And since there are only going to be about 7 vacancies in the house the chance is just to slim for us to expect to get in right away. You can sign up to live in a house with another girl and so Sally Sutch and I are going to sign up together. Sally has always been pretty lucky; I just hope her luck continues. I think the Thetas would like us to live with them. The Thetas are all

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just wonderful girls, but they are not as wonderful or have as good a reputation as the D.G.'s. The Thetas are all so beautiful and I really mean it. I never felt so plain in all my life as when I went over there for dinner and sat between two of the most beautiful girls you could ever hope to see. Anyway Sally and I are going to put Theta down second hoping that if we can't live in the D.G. house we can live in the Theta. The whole thing is certainly a mess and only about one fourth of the girls will probably get to live where they want to. But, oh well, you can't have absolutely everything and I know I shall be happy anywhere I live.

Love to all, Mary -

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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