




May 11, 1945

Dear Mother and Daddy,

Well I got my tests back that I was so worried about. The grades wern't as bad as I expected but they wern't very good. I got a B on my Spanish and a C in my Political Science. Considering that I expected to get a C and a D- or F, they wern't so bad but then it really is quite a disgrace to expect a C and an F. I just took another Spanish and another Sociology test and I think that I did better on them - let's hope so anyway. It seems that I've done nothing lately but go from one test to another; thank goodness I don't have another for a week and a half and then another Political Science test - do-dee-do.

Last night, after all my tests, I just didn't feel like studying and so Sally Teachout and I went to a little play they had here on campus. It was one of those vilian plays and was called "From Rags to Riches." It was awfully funny and everybody hissed and booed when the vilian appeared and cheered and screamed

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


when the hero came on the stage. They also had some little olio acts between the scenes that were very good - We had a very gay time.

A girl from the Theta house, Florence Mead, who used to go to Marlborough just called me up and asked me up to the Theta house again for dinner on Sunday night. They are have as their guests three diplomats from the French corps for the Conference. I'm certainly thrilled that she asked me. I just hope I won't have to try and say anything in French. It will be very interesting meeting someone like them. Tomorrow night I'm going up to San Francisco with Bob to see "The Red Mill." I'm so pleased. I just love light operas more than anything.

Incidentally, don't worry about the chest anymore! I don't know whether I will be needing one for next fall, but it would be silly to buy one now when I could only use it for about three or four weeks.

Love to all, Mary -

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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