




May 21, 1945

Dear Mother and Daddy,

In my last letter I forgot to tell you something very exciting. They are making an OPA movie here about black marketing gasoline, and in it they show the process of how the gas stamps are checked and traced down. They asked Sally and I to come and be some of the girls working with the stamps so we went and were in the movie. Of course we were always so busy checking the stamps that nothing was ever seen except the back of our heads. It was loads of fun, and there was a secret service man there all the time to see that we didn't make off with any of the stamps - There were also some people there to show us how to check the stamps. They can't have any one actually working with the stamps to be in the picture because of some sort of government regulation. They had a whole collection of counterfeit stamps and they showed us how they detected them. Some of them were really wonderful.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp


I had a very nice week-end but I'm certainly going to have to work hard this week, I only have two tests and a term paper due. Friday some girls from Los Angeles came up to visit Sally and so we all went out to dinner; when we came back there was a boy there to see Sally from C.U.A. and he brought a boy along that I was supposed to have a date with since the beginning of the quarter but eke!!! Saturday Kay and Ruth and I went to another South Sea Island dance at the A.K.K. house; it was a lot of fun. We spent the night with Ruth's aunt + she's awfully nice and she gave us the most wonderful breakfast that I've had in a very long time. The boys picked us up at 10:30 and brought us back to campus.

Charles came down to campus last week, but he didn't seem to want to see me, he came for Teachie - he didn't stay very long

I guess that's all the news.

Love to all, Mary -

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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