




June 9, 1945

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I had my Spanish test today and I feel as though I did very well with it. I had really studied quite (somehow I feel it isn't spelled quite that way, I shall try again) consciensusly. I studied all yesterday afternoon, last night, and two hours before the final - now all I have to do is study my sociology well and I have all day tomorrow - in fact I am going to start as soon as I finish this letter. I'm quite sure I can get a B in the course - unless my test was worse than I feel. If I study hard for sociology I can get an A in that course and that will make all my grades average up to a B average which will be all right with me; however, if I get less than that I shall just have to get all A's next fall.

I went to Mrs. Belenky for the last time today - (now I'm going again on Thursday) I didn't have my lesson all prepared, but it was absolutely impossible with finals and

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


packing and all. Anyway she gave me a huge summer assign ment. to Mrs. Belenky. I really love her, but I didn't want to have to have any work from her this summer because I wanted to spend all the time with Miss Dudley. Gowever I still want to take from Miss Dudley.

I was just up at the D.G. house with Ruth. Ruth is going to stay for the dance too and we went up there to get everything all arranged. Every thing is fixed fine. We are going to stay there on Saturday night and at Gertie's house Thursday and Friday nights. I still havn't found out definitely about the train tickets. I can't get over how nice that man was at the station especially since every one has always had so much trouble with about getting tickets at that station. He must be new.

This afternoon Ruth and Sally and I had a little tea party in my room. On my way home from Palo Alto, I stopped at the grocery store and got some berries, cherries, and

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


milk. It was in honor of our not having anyplace to live next year. But we decided it would be rather nice to live in a little tent pitched in the fields in back of the quad - But it turned out that we made great plans. We are all going to save our money - pennies in a bank and money that we earn in the summer, and the summer we'er out of college we are all going to Switzerland. Don't you think thats a wonder ful idea. You probably think we'er crazy, but we are really very earnest about it - just wait and see.

Well I must study my sociology now - big party time.

Love to all, Mary -

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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