




September 30, 1945

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I had meant to write you earlier, but ever since Thursday I've been so busy that I have had a hard time getting everything in. As was expected Bob came down on Thursday and we went out Thursday night with Kay and Bill. We were going to San Francisco, but decided to go to Stanta Cruz instead which isn't nearly as far. The main attraction was an amusement park. The boys went on most of the things while Kay and I sat and watched. We did try to hit some milk bottles, but the first time I had four balls and didn't hit a single one. I was really quite spectacular. After that we came straight home and stopped to eat something at the drive in on the way. Friday afternoon I went to a football game between the Kappa and the D.G. hashers. Naturally the I rooted for the D.G.'s and of course the D.G.'s won. In the middle of the game Bob arrived and he took me back and we went out to dinner with Kay and Bill again and then went to the movies.

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


On Saturday we all went to the football game at Cal between Cal and S.C. I was for S.C. and unfortunately we sat on the Cal side. I got rather excited at times, especially when Harry made a rather nice play, and every one around me glared at me terribly. It really wasn't a very good or well played game, but it was very exciting to me. Harry stayed in the game for quite some time and did very well for him self. When he left the field the S.C. section gave him a yell. After that we went to a place like the Biltmore Bowl and ate and danced and there was also a very nice floor show. We really had an hysterical time. We had to change our clothes in San Francisco at the A.K.K. house and Kay had forgotten to bring her good shoes. So here she was just all dressed up and all she had to wear on her feet were her low heeled brown moccasins. It was so funny. This morning I got up and had breakfast with Bob and then he left for home for about two weeks.

In the meantime I really have been studying hard. Paleontology has turned out to be an extremely

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


interesting course. My German class was all split up and I don't have it at eleven any more, but at eight (bur-r-r). I was trying to get out of having eight o'clocks, now I have five, but I have the best professor, much better than the eleven o'clock one that it is certainly worth it to get up so early if I can have him.

The slip and the gloves came. Thank you so much for sending them to me. I wore the gloves last night and they looked just darling. If you could, I wish you would send me my pedal pushers because I have to go on a field trip for Paleontology next Saturday and hunt for fossils and I will need them for that. If you are unable to that's O.K., but I would appreciate it if you could send them to me.

It sounds wonderful about the maid. I do hope she turns out well; it would be such a relief.

Incidentally I had to tell Bob that I had little to do with the telegram I was supposed to have send him for his birthday. I informed him that it was my mother's idea and that she wrote it and

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that my father added the salutation and sent it. I fear he was rather disappointed in me, but pleased with my parents.

Love to all, Mary -

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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