




November 13, 1945

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I just recieved your letter. I have made my reservations home for home. I made them right at the beginning of the fourteen day period, but I was unable to get a berth. I had planned to come on the night of the 21st and go back on the Daylight of Sunday the 24th. Now I'd like to come home on the Daylight of the 21st. The only trouble is that I have a lab. in the afternoon and I don't know whether I will be able to change it or not. Anyway I'm going to see about it. I can cut all my morning classess without difficulty, and it would certainly be a lot better than coming home that night on

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


coach all by myself. I'm really rather disappointed that you can't come up to see me instead; I'm still hopping that you might change your mind.

I definitely think you should have a party for Bobbie, if he wants one and that it would be lovely for Margie and Bob to go. I really don't know who to ask though, for I don't know whether many of his old Harvard friends are here or not. I think you would have to leave all that up to him. He oughtint to be shy about asking Boys; they would be trilled to death if he did.

I really had a wonderful week-end, but now I'm pay ing for it, and I've been studying awfully hard lately

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


because I'm having about three little quizes this week. Anyway there was a large A.K. party at the A.K.K. house and a dinner before. We left about five o'clock and had to go to Oakland first and pick up a girl who was serving at a reception at the Claremont Hotel. She had invited us to it, but we didn't get to stay very long by the time we got there because we had a few difficulties. We went to the Claremont first and found it was at the Claremont Country Club, then after we finally got to the reception, we had to go way over to Piedmont. Piedmont is a lovely place to get lost in.

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


Then we went back to San Francisco and went to dinner. The boys had gotten up a great big dinner party of about twelve couples in a private room at an Italian restaurant. It was so much fun; the room also had a piano and in between courses we all sang songs, and some little Mexican boy kept coming in and playing chop sticks on it, and a great big man with a rosey cheeks came in and played the acordion for us. After that we went to the dance which was wonderful too, but sort of a let down after the dinner. It was a rush party and all the boys had to go around and talk to all the rushees. We left about twelve to come home.

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


Saturday morning Sally, Ruth, and I took a little excursion to San Jose to get Ruth some shoes. We had a lark out of the whole business, and as was like me, I just couldn't come back without anything. So I happened to see some earrings that I wanted very much. They are awfully nice, and even you said you didn't want me to wear the leaf pair anymore; so I bought them even though I paid more for them than I should. I hope it was all right.

I'll have to stop now and go to dinner.

Love to all, Mary -

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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