




December 3, 1945

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I think the week-end with Bobbie was very success ful, and I'm quite sure he would like to go here except that they really don't offer the courses that he needs. He ate dinner with me on Thursday with me and the girls, I think he was slightly embarassed, but Bob happened to be down; so I asked him too, to give Bobbie a little moral support. After dinner we went to a football rally and bondfire that was held in the middle of the Lake (it's all dry now). Then there was a Basketball game which was very nice except that Stanford played rather a poor game - the score being 66 to 46 in favor of the opposite team. Then we took him back

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


to Bill's for the night. After you called I called Bobbie to tell him about Charles and he went to see Charles and spent all of Friday with him. He came and got me just before dinner and then we went back to Berkley. I saw Mrs. Hooper's beautiful new Persian lamb coat. I certainly thought it was lovely. Charles, Marlou, Bobbie and I went to the movies together and saw State Fair. It is one of the best movies I have seen for ages; I certainly hope that you get a chance to see it, because I know you'd like it very much. On Saturday Bobbie of course went to the registrar in the morning, and then came by to take me to lunch. Charles was coming down for the foot ball game and Bobbie had to meet him, so I came back to

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wait for Bob. I went to the game with Bob and his room mate and I tried to save seats for Bobbie and Charles, but I never found them. Anyway the game was a very great success, because of course Stanford won, 12-6. It was a very exciting game with a couple of quite spectacular plays. Naturally I was very happy. After the game there were some open houses and we went to them. For the first time I saw Bob in civilian clothes. He wore some gray pants and a gray cashmer sweater that was exactly the same color. It certainly looked nice. The Bob and I, and Bobbie and Jane went out to dinner. Bobbie and Jane seemed to have a wonderful time together, any way it was quite evident he liked her, but personally I can't

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imagine any boy not liking her. After dinner we came back to change for the dance. At least I wore my green formal and I just loved it. I got lots of compliments on it too. I tried to think of some appropriate way to wear my hair. I seemed to think it required my hair on top of my head. So with the aid of about six girls we finally got my hair up in a bunn on top of my head with a ribbon around it. It looked very sleek and fashionable to me and just right for the dress. All the girls liked it an awful lot too, but it was an entirely different reaction when I went down stairs. Bob practically died when he saw it. He later said among other things that he thought I would look much better bald. He was also very

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peeved at Sally, because he considers Sally to be his ally in matters concerning me, and he couldn't get over Sally's letting it happen. He certainly didn't like it and said that if I ever wore it that way again we were through; so now I guess I know how to get rid of him in a hurry. After about a half an hour at the dance, he looked so miserable that I went in and took it down. We had a wonderful time the rest of the evening. He wore a tuxedo and looked very nice. I'm sure Bobbie had a wonder ful time, because he kept say ing over and over again what a wonderful dance it was; so I guess I won't have to carry out my threat about not getting him anymore dates. After the dance I sent Bobbie up to Tyler Hall to sleep. I hope

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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