





On that roll are some shots of one of Jim's favorite dump trucks, so I'll have to send the baby pictures back for prints, as one print of a dump truck is usually sufficient. If you like dump trucks, we'll send you a print of that, too. Pooh had her first ride in one, at age 3 mo. A very versatile baby, always looking for new experiences. We hasten to oblige - within generous limits.

By the way, Keep expecting that package I mentioned. I had some stuff all lined up to mail it in (it's breakable) but Jim mistakenly tossed my padded wrapping in the fireplace, so I'm hunting again. Fortunately, the item wasn't wrapped in it yet.

When does Kevin go back to school? Any weekend but next weekend, we'll probably be home. Any week-night after 6 or 6:30 we'll be home, so tell him to stop by.

Love, Marcia, Jim She & Jeff

Last edit over 1 year ago by MaryV
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