


Needs Review



Thank you for your letter about the car, Daddy. I can see that you're going to be firm about this thing. I wish you could understand us. Kevin called to say that the only time he had open to bring it down here was around 3:00 AM, between parties, so Jim told him we'd go up there sometime after the first of the year. We appreciate your thought of Pooh's future. We will sell it before it depreciates anymore & put the money in Pooh's savings account (41/2 % insured by FDIC) for eventual investment in a growth stock like Sears Roebuck, [Henseal?] Foods or Studebacker Packard. Soon we may be able to get a deal on Hewlett - Packard stock, $10 below market per share. Thank you very much for your generosity. Pooh & all her proposed siblings also thank you.

Pooh just awoke to a dissapointing sight. We didn't pick up the living room for her to mess up again, so she is reduced to chasing Jeff around with a bottle of catsup & assorted canned goods.

Love Marcia, also Jim & Pooh

Last edit over 1 year ago by MaryV
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