Untitled Page 4




Status: Complete

I don't know whether I have told you
any about the hall or not. It accomo-
dates ninety girls and all the rooms are
large and have an alcove for the two
iron single bed steads and the
wardrobe. Here also are mats for
each bed but the floor is bare. We
have a nice dresser or antique oak,
large table, two straight backed and
two rocking chairs, stationary wash-
stand, and they are prepared for
electric light and gas. They already
have electricity in the boys Hall
and we shall soon have it but now we
use candle light.

The blankets are soft white
ones with blue borders and the mono-
gram L.S.J.U. in the middle and each
girl is allowed three; also three
towels, one bath towel, one sheet,
and one pillow case a week, and the
tables are changed twice a week, all
this washing done by the University.
We have to take the daily care of our
own rooms, but they are swept, wiped
up and dusted once a week by the maids.

The table fare is very good
and served hot. The variety is some-
thing to tell abou but not all is
good, but enough always to make a
very good meal three times a day. We
have a chinaman cook who has two
assistants, but girls for waiters.
The boys have young chinamen waiters
and they look so funny in their white
coates, cues wound around their heads,
and sliding over the polished floor
in their queer shoes.

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