Untitled Page 55




Status: Complete

If you had visited the kitchen
Thursday morning and seen the
matron and dining room girl beating
eggs, chopping raisins, etc. and
several maidens in gingham aprons,
working with nuts, dates and confectioners
sugar it would have been no
mystery. It was so kind of the matron
to do it for us, as she is not expected
to do any such work, but she, with
the same material, made quite different
cake from the chinamen's. It amused
the cook and his staff very much to
waatch us at work.

The whole affair was a success
and much praised by the professors
who were here, and by ten-thirty all
was again dark and the banquet hall
deserted, and a little late all the
angels asleep, for the lights go out
at ten thirty.

Have I ever told you that
the workmen have called this the
angels hall ever since they began to
work upon it.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard and
Minnie and I spent Monday and Tuesday
in Frisco where we enjoyed ourselves
shopping and sight seeing. The great
western metropolis is rather a dirty
place and in many parts impresses
one as quite an old city. The stores
do not impress me as desirable as
Younker's for shopping, but the Chinese
and Japanese stores are interesting,
and many things seem very cheap.

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