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Hi Sweetheart-
It's only 10:30 AM and just a few hours since I last wrote, but having gotten another of your wonderful letters in this moring's mail, and because the rest of the day is a little full I think I'll indulge myself right now and "make love to you by mail" For that is almost the feeling atimes, that I can some how transmit my deepest feelings to you by writing, even if there's nothing special to say. Each letter is thus an art of love, an expression ofmy nearness and need for you, without which the day is incomplete. I love you very much, my darling. And now to reread and comment on your letters duaring my week in Italy. I think I told you that I got your 2 letters in Rom. anyway rest reassured. I hope all of mine to you arrived O.K. and were cut and sent on to the folks. Mom writes that she is sending ou the copies now for which I am very glad.

As to my "exploits" with wine and the Ball at Nations (and I expect reactions to the two evenings in Florence too.) it's not as bad as all that. I like the stuff, and I can drink 3-4 glasses of it without any effect other than the light-headed feeling. In away I'm a little disappointed that I carry it so perfectly - I'm a little curious to know what the further effects would feel like. But not enough so to try to consume the tremendous quantity it would probably take to get really high. Actually the girls were not very high in Florence; they were a little gay and felt like acting more so, but they knew good and well that it was a game. I've gotten now so that wine with a meal is like water, I get no more kick out of it. It just occured to me that you could have been teasing me more about paying for the wine than for having drunk a 1/2 bottle each. Anyway I know that you were only teasing, and that you are probably happy that I don't mind drinking wine or coffee or beer, etc. But in any case the novelty is wearing off and it looks pretty ordinary now and forunately, when I return to the states I won't have to worry abou the damn silly liquor laws since I'm over 21. They really creat a problem that doesn't exist, and it's a shame we stupid puritans ever invented them.

Your evening at the ballet and Tonga room with Tom Shephard sounds like a great one, and I accept your offer to take me there sometime! Also the chorus weekend must have been fun, even though tiring. The tape would be expensive to send, so maybe you should save it til this ummer. Did you get to see the Stones at all? And what did you and your folks talk about? See I miss them too, and Tom and Ellen and Dr. Bones. I've gotten letters from your Mom (which I always enjoy very specially) and from Tom too. Sure glad to hear of him CSF grades, and you can pass on my congratulations!! Funny that you should have done "Turtle Dove"- we're doing it here, and I sing it each time with you in mind. I still like "the Last words of David" best though. Your "boyfriend" sounds quite interesting, bu you should stop running around with married men! It's not nice! (Tee Hee) Couldn't you find a nice quiet dedicated boy from your home town, somebody your family might approve of, and somebody who would love and serve you for the rest of your life? Look around for such a persn and give up those married men - but don't look too hard until after school's out- say about June 11!!- this little 4 year old sounds good enough to squeeze. We saw so many cute kids in Italy- shining eyes, sunny faces, curly hair, etc. and I'm well on the way to being family man- maybe we should have 4' after all! And to think that some of my best friends (one in particular) used to call me a stoic!

The information on intern programs was very interesting, but it would seem impossible to do with both of us paying fees- $1200 a year for you, and $450 for me plus $400 for the summer, out of a salary of $3000. We would have to count on scholarships or loans or something. Incidently, what happened on your scholarship? It could end up being very important!

I'm unable to untangle one of your remarks because a word seems to be missing. Which letters do you enjoy more- the hand written or the typewritten ones? I think it says the handwritten but am not sure.

Tonight i'm going to Spindlers apartment to get acquainted and discuss the term paper for the course. I'll tell you about that tomorrow. And this after I have German (we switch morning and afternoon classes for the rest of the quarter, so I have 10-12 free and 2-4 German now. Thanks for the cards from Elanor, etc. I just love 'em! Dick just got an angel food cake-airmail, packed in popcorn- for his birthday- it cost almost $10 to mail-so forget about such luxuries, though it was delicious! Don't forget, Annie how very much I love you. You fill my heart always. G'night darling. Your George

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