Untitled Page 3




Status: Needs Review


his wife and three young boys
sit. And the other table
the long one. Sit A Mr.
Hall. Prof Kellog, Prof
Symmington, Prof. Hussy,
Prof. Howard & his wife
Mrs. Lina. & Prof. Hudson
and his wife. All the Prof's
here are young and
many unmarried.

Prof Hewcomer, my English
prof. looks like a Young
Jap - and Prof Kellogg looks
like a student.

I like class work very
much. It isn't very hard.
In English I am studying
Thurber's select essays of Maccaulay.
And as there are no
notes we have to annot=
ate it ourselves. It isn't
hard. The German is

One has to exercise a good
deal here. It is a five
minute walk to the
Quad and 1/3 of a mile
around it And flying
around from one class
to another to the library and
back keeps one pretty
busy. Our Class was victorous
in the rush.

Miss Purdy is a freshman
and special. She is very
[nice?] & quiet and ladylike
And knows Mrs. Davidson.

The Mortons have a ranch
between St. Helena & Rutherford
and know the Favells &
Mrs. Davidson. Miss Purdy
knows Mrs. Fletcher Katie [Post?]
slightly too. Could my
racket be sent to me?

I think the temperature
here must vary between

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