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2 revisions
Lmeyers at Nov 25, 2018 09:14 PM


Spring Quarter 1947

Apri 9, 1947.

Meeting called to order by Baron Law 7:55.
Leila Ding read the minutes + gave treasury
report. Baron Lawe said that final receipts on the
dance were not in yet- that most probably it
was lost finacially but socially it was a success
Pres. Baron Lawe gave report on Intercolligate Conference.
that a new Constitutional has been submitted
to our ratification. The New Pres. of the Conference is
Paul Louie. Tommy Ido made a motion that some
one be nominate to look over the constitution
for approval + ratification. George Leung was
nominated + elected.
Elections of Officers.
Pres.= Tim Lum, Stanley Wong, Jack Quan.
Delbert Wong.
Jack Quan Elected
Vice Pres., Al Fong, Stanley Wong, Ted Fong.
John Chui[?]n
John Chi [?]n elected
George Leong, Dorothy Chin, Rona Lee
Stanley Wong
Dorothy Chin elected