Page 25




Status: Complete

10:30 Leave for Spanish town, and stop in at "The Mall," which has a Dwe Shop, so while Ron was buying fins, I bought 4 placemats for M + K and a copy of the Virgin Islands Cruise book which was on the sail boat. Also I got some pocket guides to Reef Fish and Reef Creatures

11:15 Wander around rest of the mall. Head to The Baths. After parking, walk down a trail to the beach. The water didn't have many fish, but the rock formations made up for it. I didn't have a life vest, but I stayed afloat as long as I kept air in my lungs. Also there were several underwater rocks on which I could sit or stand. Nevertheless, I was still a litle nervous about being in deep water not knowing really where I was heading. I kept up with Mike more or less, and eventually came to another beach.

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