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2 revisions
hannahb25 at Jun 30, 2020 11:30 PM

Page 134

It was great to see him, and he was happy to see me doing a "Joan" since he did Joan Crowford one year. Also said I had a Faye Dunaway look. We danced. It was fun. Eventually left with Bob + Dan I and walked Bob home + got all my stuff together. Came home + took a few last pictures, and then took a long shower.

Called Bob to say thanks and ask how to remove eye liner, and told him "I love you" which he appreciated, "How Sweet"

Then I was still buzzing so I got organized (SO ME!) and put all the stuff away, all the drag and a lot of old thoughts, about the 1983 bus and how long ago that was. Gosh!

It's funny that I messed up on the first bus, going to Tubs, and not having fun, but 1983 bus, I really did right, 1984 bus didn't feel the same since I had given up drugs, barely, by then. It seemed much like tonite. Fun, but not momentous. Hard to repeat something momentous.

5:45 But now I'm wide awake still. Well, so it wasn't momentous. I did drag for the first time. But it's not a role I get into, because I don't know how to use it.

6:00 Rest a bit. Then J/O.

6:15 Rest. A few sparkly visions + sounds. I guess acid is still in effect.

Sun, Nov 1 '87

Can't sleep due to light

Realize I had only 2 cups coffee

It must be acid that still buzzing me

9:00 Get up. Disorienting. Eat cereal

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