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Finish Oct 12 Infoworld.

Toss out Garbage. Put away laundry.

Go to Bartells + QFC.

Put stuff away. Misc.

Look for movies to record.

Make + eat lunch.

Call Video stores to see if they have

Room with a View

Stand By Me

My beautiful Laundrette

Yes, they do. So they only reason to keep HBO + SHO is if I watch more than seven movies a month, which I don't, or for convenience so I don't have to go to Video store on the exact day I want a movie, and risk them not having it that day. KEY

12:45 Think one last time ~ Lig Asset Strategy.

Call Tracy for range on Microsoft.

Range was 48 1/4 - 52 1/24 I think so yesterday's sale at 47 3/4 wasn't that bad. But I shouldn't even be worrying about this, since it all evens out in the long run.

1:00 Think about costume. Make coffee.

Read a bit of BYTE while I drink coffee

Go to store across from Body Nautilus and get camoflage shirt with bright flowers.

Then downtown. First to Bon to see a GI Joe.

Sure is small! Then to army surplus and get canteen, scarf + cap. Up to Costume Supply and bang ideas around. First GI Doe but realized that's bizarre, so just go for GI Josephine, no, GI Joan.

Go home. Try stuff on. Fine.

Start shaving legs.

Bob returns my call. Meet tomorrow morn.

Quick Fetuccine.

7:30 Tan at the Body. Talk to Bob.

8:15 Go home. QFC for more razors. Wall St Wk

Shave some more (refine). Chest too. J/O.


10:00 Jorge calls Dick on TV tomorrow.

10:15 Watch CNN Moneyline + WSW (taped)

11:00 To sleep

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Sat Oct 31



7:30 Got up. Shower.

Call Bob.

Meet for breakfast at Andys.

Talk about karma in stock market.

Is trading on emotional swings taking advtange of anothers weakness? Yet to do it requires me to take a risk also, but if I approach it less emotionally, then I perhaps could beat another.

Yet I don't think you can be unemotional, because the whole reason to do it is to satisfy greed. Fear is the opposite side of greed. (And I bot 300 MS when I was afraid.)

Yet trading does serve a purpose since selling at top, and buying at the bottom smooths the curve.

But to do well requires a sense of what is happening fundamentally so that you can separate the reality from emotional swing.

So I don't know if I'd be good usually. KARMA

Go to Bartell's for makeup + stockings.

Go to Wigland for Wig (Leslie Caren).

Go to my house + show Bob my stuff.

Got car to go downtown.

Drop off Bob.

Go to QFC for Birdseed, etc.

Try stuff on.

11:45 Make + eat lunch, while watching Manhattan on videodisc.


12:45 Go to Goodwill for bracelet + bra.

And to Army surplus for gloves!

Then to Pumphouse

2:15 Workout. Abbreviated due to dress up

4:15 Go to Seattle, back to surplus to get an XL T-shirt to go over boobs.

5:00 At home, try panty hose. Too dark. Go get lighter ones at Bartells

5:30 At Bob's. First wash face, and then put on masque, let dry, wash off. Then use astringent, with cotton swabs. Next Bob apply's base makeup, rather light, but then he paints on the eyes, which I could never do. Eyebrow pencil, eyeliner.

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Green Mascara for lashes, then added extra lashes with adhesive, and used Mascara on those. Then Bob used a bronzer which made me darker, and some red for accents and some very dark shadowed hollows in my cheeks, toward the rear. Then I put all the rest together. Tits, bra, boots, nylons. The works. Fun but it wasn't out of control.

8:45 Off to Brass Connection. I just didn't have much of a role to play. It did look good though. (2 Vod Tonic)

9:45 First stop was Swedish to see Rick U. Looking thin, in pajamas. But said "Have fun, at any cost." Hmm...

Then off to Sparks. Sort of fun. (Coffee.)

Had coffee to get party going. (Wine.)

Half a hit of acid too. (Acid)

Then started to have more fun.

Up to Broadway. Fun waving.

Bob shouting out window "Go To Hell." Tom Powell was a mess.

Went to Deluxe for drinks. (Vodka Tonic)

Had nice time with Dan Glasgoe.

Went to Frontier Room + Tugs, and things sort of frazzled a bit. (Coffee + Kalua)

Then off to Bump party, pretty late.

But I get to see Rick Chaika. Fab. (Wine)

Dark purple + gold! Great lines.

Too late to get bus back

So we went via taxi with 3 LV Show Girls as egos (lots of 7up).

To Neighbors. Saw Bill Farrell in the outfit John Goodman had 2 years ago.

He and till Tom were out together as an egyptian and a slave.

Bob + I danced, with Ric Moline and with Steve Segal. Bob Spivey got in a fight with someone. Which I tried to breakup, to no avail.

Chuck P + Catherine were together but didn't really click with me.


Other buses started around 6:00pm

Left for Brass Conn and while Bob was talking with future patient, I wandered up toward dance floor, and across room, Dan I + my eyes met.

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It was great to see him, and he was happy to see me doing a "Joan" since he did Joan Crowford one year. Also said I had a Faye Dunaway look. We danced. It was fun. Eventually left with Bob + Dan I and walked Bob home + got all my stuff together. Came home + took a few last pictures, and then took a long shower.

Called Bob to say thanks and ask how to remove eye liner, and told him "I love you" which he appreciated, "How Sweet"

Then I was still buzzing so I got organized (SO ME!) and put all the stuff away, all the drag and a lot of old thoughts, about the 1983 bus and how long ago that was. Gosh!

It's funny that I messed up on the first bus, going to Tubs, and not having fun, but 1983 bus, I really did right, 1984 bus didn't feel the same since I had given up drugs, barely, by then. It seemed much like tonite. Fun, but not momentous. Hard to repeat something momentous.

5:45 But now I'm wide awake still. Well, so it wasn't momentous. I did drag for the first time. But it's not a role I get into, because I don't know how to use it.

6:00 Rest a bit. Then J/O.

6:15 Rest. A few sparkly visions + sounds. I guess acid is still in effect.

Sun, Nov 1 '87

Can't sleep due to light

Realize I had only 2 cups coffee

It must be acid that still buzzing me

9:00 Get up. Disorienting. Eat cereal

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What I didn't like about drag.

Nylons - it makes legs shiny + silky. Yuk


Since I don't know role

Since I don't want to learn role

Since I ignore most drag queens and I guess most people do.

Since I didn't look attractive to men especially to the few hunks I saw which wouldn't even return glance.

But it was fun to experience and I certainly wouldn't want to try to meet someone new here. That's so old hat. So it was a good time to try it. Before SF.

9:30 Write a short bit about not selling MS and why...

Realize that if I want to have fun I need to do Halloween in SF, and be virile.

10:00 Even so, I go through Times looking for Open Houses.

Read ~ Real Estate + Stock Market

11:00 Rest

11:15 Bob calls. Time to get up for brunch.

Shower, shave, etc. No moustache.

11:45 Go to brunch. Not the full group.

And Dan Ireland didn't show up.

Got Graduation Certificate!!

1:15 Went to look at houses with Bob.

Saw pretty nice one in Boston Terrace.

But not good enough view of Lake.

Down to Madison Park + Leschi. Zip.

Got drinks at Leshci Market.

Drink 'em at bus turnaround.

Show Bob Maiden Lane.

Go to Arboretum + walk a bit. Great!

Take Bob home + to gym for Aerobics

4:00 Put stuff away.

Go to tan at the Body.

Hot tub. As usual, pretty unattractive, and crowded too.

Dress. Dinner with Bob + Dave G at Encore.

Broadway Video.

Crocadile Dundee. Mindless, but pretty.

Take Bob home.

9:30 To bed.

Feeling very uninspired, but not desperate like I used to feel after Halloween, in November.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by hannahb25
Displaying pages 131 - 135 of 168 in total