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4:00 Benefits: (Don't get lazy!)

1) No need to move!

2) No need to transplant my feelings or break friendships

3) Staying w/Bill

4) Seattle + Vancouver + SF (skiing) (by flight) can be fun and it is a city and has gay community.

Maybe I should get a place in SF. That way I could go there for a few days at a time to get away. Forget LA + OC. Too phony, and I don't care for big cities nor Jorge, Aaron, etc. Not pretty.

SF has Silicon Valley and I can fit that image real well.

4:15 If I start to dislike the work becasue I'd have to code it, then definitely, seek more $$ (this is my strength to be able to avoid coding!); but as it stands I'm satisfied. I will get to design it + lead others, and still not carry heavy responsibility. And it will be better than D+S, so it is an enhancement. And there's even Multitool technology for input editing + graphics to learn.

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