Page 195




Status: Needs Review

[highlight] This way, I only have to do one
piece of software, [/end highlight] for Hal.
And just direct implementation
elsewhere. If I had royalties,
what then? I'd want to manage others,
but what does that do to my %?

But why give it all away,
Why not keep some royalties?
Based on what? Sales?

YES: Since it protects Bill from
taking big salary [on me?]

NO: Why should I get benefit
of an especially big market,
for one product. [highlight] My bonus
should be based on my product development ability; not
size of market. [/end highlight] [circled]being no good at [MKG?][/end circle]
[margin] The idea is that all employees have stock in proportion to what they contribute, to cover this. [/end margin]

Could be good entré to home banking.


If I do have interest in
something to do outside
Microsoft, don't do it for μS!
Like I started to do Pers Acct

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