Page 8




Status: Needs Review

Fri Jan 6' 89

8:00 Think about these comparisons more
8:45 [...] ----
To Studio 904 for coloring + cut "Start "Doc ordered"
12:00 Lunch at Umbertos.
Go to Univ Audi for Wiper blades.
Come home to put them on.
See Christina + guy living in Brunois.
Call Mom + Dad while hand warm up.
Finish wiper blades.
Investigate statistical output of the three different funds I've envisioned. Try to decide whether to use average or medium for each value, trying to sense the dispersion and balance for lack of it in each Histogram. When it came to P/E, I decided I should compete 1/Aug (I/PE, + I/PE, + ...) and I used Excel for this. I found that the little P/ES, [...] , really throw things off. Because these are wierd, anyway, I decide to always exclude the bottom 5% of stocks sorted by P/E, which leaves MIN P/E of 6 for December. Compute 1/Aug(I/PE ...) for each, fund and find it comes close to median. Also justify using median of yield. Do ratings + Estimates, other Marker data.
Examine [...] of S.T. ERS history and projections. Write it np. Make list of what to keep in sheet.
8:30 WSW with John Templeton.
9:00 Make the sheet. 3 pages, 4 values per page, eachHD, LD, ND, MS.
[...] figures for December.
Try charting page one.
Do so with lots of different patterns, and then go for bar chart. Got it to look good on printer too.
To bed. One [...].

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