Page 34




Status: Needs Review

It'd be so tough to meet someone

tall enough

lean enough

friendly enough, but not too

hairy enough, but not too

smart enough, but not too

handsome enough, but not too

rich enough,

secure, but not too

legs that are muscular enough


It's just so unlikely, so why pursue it. If I find something, great, but spend time on it. And most don't fill the bill completely, so it's hard to back out...

12:30 Saw Anthony, looking terrific! But he has to work to 9:00. Another negative if he were to be close friend, but please I'm being so presumptuous

1:00 Lunch. Start Ch 8 Vanities. Decide no SF. Even seeing Bruce or Bobb. I'd want place to stay. Can't do Beck's. No other needs, to go to SF. But when to go back to Seattle? I feel like I'm quiescent vis a vis WHAC. OR good to get settled in Seattle on Sunday. Yet it'd be strange to return tonite. Read glossary of ATIM. Maybe do Silverlake & [?] or Probe. Go home tomorrow afternoon. Finish glossary. Jorge called. Make notes on what to do ~ shorts. Just do 'em to have experience as w bonds. So all done with ATIM, first pass.

4:15 Look at week before LA Fri 13-20th. Privacy & how LA could fit into routine. Should I do strategy here, given short sell idea? And just do admin in Seattle. And think about trips in 83, 84, 85, 86. Maybe stop in SF on way up to Sea for "rotation." Realize how borrowing stock to sell is sort of like borrowing cash, for money in account! Instead of paying interest, I amy pay capital loss. But it has chance to be a gain...

6:15 ----

Write postcards.

7:00 Jorge shows up with bottle of champ. Drink half of it and go to Ghengis Chen. Pretty busy. Good we can early. OK conversation. Pleasant time. No drinks with dinner. Talk about Dick & Pat, indiv & relationship. Back to hotel. Finish champagne. Change clothes. I had wear tired old outfit to Silverlake anyway.

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