Page 164




Status: Needs Review


Think + pray in bed. -----

[blue]Decide to [pink]just keep[/pink] Fall '83, and
not write much about it, since
it was covered in August '84.
Keep it because it covers deep feelings
and is actually pretty well written.


But go through Win '84 + shred it
since it doesn't do deep feelings.
Check how well it's covered by Aug '84. Fine.
And I want to destroy my recount of
personal emotions about Bob. Words
can hardly do justice expressing those feelings.
And our relationship was so influenced by
alcohol + drugs, indeed the whole env't, gay
lifestyle was so capricious + GAY.[/blue]
[pink]Interesting that I go thru this just after
seeing Bob at hospital. Helps me cope...[/pink]
[blue]I have 2 goals[/blue]

To have some reminder of the 83/84 period
To write about outstanding problems.

[blue]The Aug 84 review satifies the first.
And I start a Word doc on "Buying
a house."
Take 1982 Music Comp + Tonality books to storage.[/blue]
Wrap Dad's present.
[blue]Contine with 1985 book some more.[/blue]

5:45 [orange]To Mom + Dad's for his B'day.[/orange]
[pink]Watch Places in the Heart on NBC.[/pink]

12:00 Go home


8:00 -----
[blue]Finish off Winter '84 Diary. All Shreded.
Write a bit on May trip to SF, and
July trip to S. Cal too, using notes.


Next I need to go through Fall '83
and see if anything from it should be added
To doc on "Where to Live/buyin a house."[/blue]

12:30 Gym + QFC. (PAC: Chest)

5:00 [blue]Read through Fall '83 highlights and
I don't want to add anything to "Where
to live" because I hadn't even made a
nice env't at Creswick yet,[/blue] redecorating
as I did in January. [blue]Summary in
August '84 is ok for Fall '83.

5:45 Pull out [from?] Aug '84 staple the analysis of LA, SF, etc
and also staple Review; Two packets.
With these + remaining Diaries, I can review to present[/blue]

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