Page 23




Status: Complete

5:00 We called Bob. No answer. I took Vic home & went to gym to meet Markham. Showed him my new car, gave him a ride. To my house. Convenience of the hill...was very nice sex on the aftermath of cocaine. And afterward we just rested quietly, and I thought the thoughts in red on previous page.

7:00 Get upt for shower, unplug phones. Vic calls & leaves message. Take Steve back to his car. Go home to call Vic and arrange to meet for dinner. Put stuff away. Misc

8:15 Pickup Vic

What a trashy neighborhood. John Goodman is going to make some money though, but I would like to see myself with more friends with money.

Dinner at Funky's, not great. Never ate there before. Let Vic leave for Maries. Go home

Bob called on machine so call him back & had ncie talk.

One more thing I realized is that even though I think the costumes are very funny and drag is outrageous, when you see those guys in real life they are trolls: skinny, nondescript, etc. so it's fun but it's unsustainable.

And 2nd & Bell is gone!! It's the end of an era and I've realized that the tacky tourist gang is the same gang in winter, but trolls then.

10:45 Go down to 2nd & Bell, it's tame. Sparks for T.T. video. Home & to bed.

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