Page 47




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Talk about what transpired. Went home with Jeff Armstrong and told me about his books. We discussed whether he'd be telling me in the future about who he sleeps with. And gives me any details I ask. It was a good talk and I hope we can advance this relationship, but he tells me to lighten up.

In reading over last night, it was all just unfounded jealousy, fantasized, at least up until when he got to Neighbors. I could've gone in, said hello and left peacefully and all I would've lost is one nights data which I got today. Granted it still may have been a sleepless night though.

One thing he said is that he's never lost sleep over my going out on the town and remember that he said he wasn't upset about my going to Expo without him. He said he wished I would sleep around, so that he won't feel so much pressure. Maybe that's what I want? Or do I want one man? He's certainly not ready to be monogamous at 27 this early in our relationship. Even to make it stable.

And I realized that there was a lot of high tension from just general depression. So I ordered Amitriptyline. That may help me sleep with Bill too, but let's just try to be friends and see if we can sleep at all.

Anyway, I'm learning a lot about people + relationships!

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