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10:00 For a long time I've thought friends could be most important to me, but there must be some common bond, as there is to software for the people I've worked with over the years or to gayness for my gay friends. So I don't need to focus on "making friends" per se, unless I think I can change number of friends in above two categories by doing some change.

First, I wouldn't say I have friends at Microsoft, because all we do together is code, and that is work, even though it is something I have wanted to do. But now that I have the liquid assets to support myself, and since I cannot think of anything else I want to code at Microsoft, I should get out of there.

Second, I am gay and have a very negatively perceived taint on me for the rest of my life. But I can still have fun with it, although not in Seattle. I have never been fond of Seattle, although it has had some, even many, good points for me.

But the fact is: I would've been at a great loss this winter if I hadn't met Mark Thompson and Bob Lamonto. Trips to Calif kept me going this passed winter

Have I finally outgrown Seattle? I have not left yet for numerous reasons: interesting work, need for money, Bob, and enough fun and relaxation to keep me going. But as of May 18, all that has changed

1) I have finished interesting work

2) I have liquid assets to live on.

3) I don't even have Bob for a close friend anymore, now that he doesn't use Pers Acct

So things are in transition.

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