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7:30 Do mail. Pay some bills.

8:15 Go mail payments, and go to UW bookstore for books on wills + estate planning.

9:15 Start thinking about what to do with my time + finances.

1) Am I going to try to place bets on the market, trying to improve my winnings

2) Or should I just stay an engineer and study AI, pscychology, and mathematical philosophy

Perhaps they are both key sides of me that have been developing over the years...


11:00 Get ready for bed.

Fri Jun 12 '87

7:30 Get up. Misc. Art Ulene: safe partner.

9:15 Call Mom + Dad. Broach taking time off.

9:45 Get ready for Extra Hands. More misc.

10:00 Go to work. Learn how to use raid. Work on bugs most of the day.

6:45 Go home. Misc. Make + eat dinner.

8:00 Lay down awhile. Go for a walk.

Think about sharing risk with Mutual Funds. They assume no risk it seems. Why should I use them?

Walk down Federal Ave to B'way. Run into Peter J + David Pritchard. They tell me 2 of the guys I'm interviewing Monday are friends of theirs, ie, gay.

Walking home, I realize that Mutual funds do have an incentive to invest well. The beter job they do, the bigger the fund becomes due to more investors, so they make more money.

Think about risk. What is it, why should I take some, and

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