Page 29




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Also I realized that not only does car cost depr + license + insurance + cost of money (in excess of inflation), but also there is the loss of future income after car is totally used up. If you say $10K on a car, it means saving $2500 per year plus the lost income after car is gone. Suppose interest is 10%

Asset income A.T.
10K 900
10.9 981
11.9 1071
13.0 1170

The point is just you've still got $10K when the car is used up, and that can still produce income after car is gone.

The only way I'll be able to get Mercedes or other expensive car is if I can justify it for business. So there's no car I want now, but 2802 is ok for now. But perhaps I should think toward being consultant so I can have business expenses.

Thought about stuff till bedtime.

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