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or Mutual Shares Corp, there would still be only 3, so there's no reason to sell it now for that reason.

Also, I could say that advisory fee of 1% is much too high, as are other expenses, but I pay a lot more than that with Fund for Tomorrow, which is doing well, and I haven't sold it off. Also, advisory fee isn't based on achievement like Morgan or Windsor, but Fund for Tomorrow isn't either.

So I'll hold onto it for a while longer, until I want to get a third fund going for the long term. Could go up now that dollar peaked.

But which fund should I start pumping money into now that I've decided to diversify away from Morgan. What do I want? The purpose is to allow an investor with a skill for differentiating the stars and the duds. I want a fund that has done this consistently, with no-load. In June's Money Magazine, 10 funds are shown which have been consistently

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