Page 75




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Feeling fine this morning. Woke up early. Couldn't sleep late, but waited for Bruce to wake up and the jerked him off. Great.

Then we went to Breakfast at some dump, but food was good. Went out to where the houses were all burnt. Only the chimney remained of some and there was a fiberglass car that was melted. No tires or body left!

Then I drove us to Laguna. Pointer Sisters and Tina Turner. Not much conversation, but that was ok. Bought groceries and went out to Beach, laid around and then Glen walked by and I called him over. Lookin Great. Bill Sawyer was there too, but still sounding as "dumb jock" as ever. George Smith also. I should know you definitely can't evaluate people at that beach. I'm sure different there.

There were some STUNNING guys there. It was Laguna, but more comfortable, maybe because all the social parties were over, and this was last day of the July 4th Holiday. Sunday was first good day of sun.

Then around 4:30 Bruce + I drove over to Ruby Street + up the Hill to

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