Page 36




Status: Needs Review

RM to have it so they
could finally control how much
I work on it, etc. I would
have no interest in it
other than as my pet thing
to work on. So, I must
try to figure out what I
think it's worth. If very little,
then sell it.

If I had SOS
why would I get EDX
and remember I am the
pres of a business or someone
who holds the purse strings.
My computer guys are supposed
to be developing programs &
data. Why do you need a
complex editor for that? I
don't want my guys on the
phone all the time to you.
If they do need special
capabilities, you can have them.
And other people are doing
this too so you get the
benefit of their suggestions

But I ask myself, what
have I myself put into or wanted to
put into EDITX. Nothing.

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There was a text editor called "SOS" in the 1970s. It was developed for the operating system used on the PDP-8 minicomputer.