Page 57




Status: Needs Review

cleaning bathroom, bill paying,
organizing, and then decided to
write this much here.
Figured out what to do tomorrow.

Cancel Locke (but see 4 pages ahead) haircut, dinner w/Chip
& Mikado tickets found out now
Get Picture from Rein
Get toothpaste & toilet tissue
Read through KIM manuals
Think about what I want to do.
Write R-M.

I want to say that my
thoughts about my future in
software are pretty sketchy.
I have been slow to come to
the realization that I want
to be in software or computers
any way. But that is so clear
to me now. I see so many
aspects of it now. All the time
I've spent is justified. I don't
know what this 1/4 is yet but
it is a time to transition a
time to finish all up, to see
what it's like to be a worker,
to think about my future, to
read, to get ready for California,
to complete (?) my relationship w/ Chip,
and w/ ABQ. Now to bed.

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The KIM-1 was notable for being one of the earliest affordable microcomputers available to hobbyists. It featured a MOS 6502 microprocessor, hexadecimal keypad, and LED display, making it suitable for educational purposes and simple programming tasks. The KIM-1 played a significant role in the early days of personal computing and helped pave the way for the home computer revolution of the 1980s.