Page 159




Status: Needs Review

I just don't understand. I
wouldn't risk working there on
COBOL just to lose my
job. Pertec work could be
ok but it's not state of the
art like work on the Z-80.
Now I have worked on all five
major microprocessors, the
6502, 6800, 8080, Z-80 and
TI 9900. It is a good feeling.

So back to what I
want to work on. The first
version of it would have a
keyboard & display but future
would be voice driven to
reduce costs. I don't know
exactly what it would do, but
it would allow you to access a
Bible in an interactive fashion.

But to do a project like
this which I will describe
more further on, you need
money; enter EDITX. All the
motivations of June 19
still stand but I now have
much less faith in EDITX
even for minis, and could

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