


Status: Complete

Sunday May 4 '86

?:00 Meg calls. Wants to buy car.
?:30 Back to bed
9:00 Get up, shower, dress, eat
10:00 Mom Calls. Vacationi nJune.
10:30 Put away Silicon Valley Guide
and some other books I
probably won't read.
Reorganize living room books
in conjunction w/Den books.
Major idea is that I'm less
interested in business now that
I have some money. This includes
selling out
What HBS didn't teach me.
Guides to entrepreneuring
Guides to consulting.
Games, esp chess.
And I'm more interested in
fundamental philosophy + math,
and technology:
Fourth Gen Languages
Alan Turing
But I'm still going to read
"The Class" & "Greed & Glory on W. St."
just for fun, not to apply it.
Go through old Magazines, Catalogs,
and reorganize & discard a lot.
11:30 Read Rest of Turing, Chap 6
3:15 Goto gym.

Notes and Questions

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Sara Carlstead Brumfield

I'm not sure about "Braun" here in the list of things he's more interested in. Braum??

Sara Carlstead Brumfield

Love the use of the word "entrepeneuring" -- we need to bring that one back!

Sara Carlstead Brumfield

So there's a ton of highlighting, color changes, stars, etc that I did not capture here. I don't know how or if I should do that. (It's a pity to miss so much of the emphasis and enthusiasm!)