EEI to FWF0131919

EEI to FWF0131919




increased immeasurably. [Wynne?], did you know that I personally went over and bought Ramey a bottle of beer at my own suggestion? And that I have told men who said they were going on a spree -- "Well, have a good time. You deserve it, I guess." And that I can understand why men in armies are much more excusable for sexual indulgence than men in happy homes (tho' I confess that ^while in theory I understand why so many yield to that very powerful temptation, actually I am as much of an uncomprehending Puritan as I ever was!) Yes, I've gone a long ways these eight months, and I've yet a long, long ways to go. But my lover, I am not afraid of the way the trials of your uniformed life have left you. Fire may melt gold but it cannot destroy it. And I have found that among the returned men, the man with the strong character has grown stronger with his experience. It is only the

Last edit over 4 years ago by catslover


inherently weak who have been mutilated beyond repair. And I have had the chance to know these men as few will know them. The war "over there" is no longer the romantic thing to me that it was. I have glimpsed its realities, and that is why I say that I believe I can understand the change you have been thru. My faith in you, my Dear, is unlimited. If my faith in myself were half as great, I would be, perhaps, a much happier "little maid". Goodnight, my [Wynne?].

I love you always. Your girl.

Last edit over 4 years ago by catslover
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