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[Page 213]

May [1883]

warm at night without any
clothing is, they make two
[fires] & sleep between them. They
make their gins hunt for
food for them, & if the poor
unfortunate things return
to the camp, without plenty,
they beat & knock them
about in a most fearful
manner. We left all the damper
& meat we had left in the
camp, so that they would
get it when they came up,
were it in the night or the
morning, as we had told
them, they should
have it. We came on at a
good pace, & arrived at this
Station Daly Waters, at about
10. This house is not nearly
so good a building as Powell
Creek. It is only made of
slabs, & daylight is visible
through every one. However, as
the 2 in charge were expecting
us shortly they had prepared
things to make me as
comfortable as possible. We did
35 miles in all today, but
I was not very tired, as the
rest in the middle of the
day freshened me up, & the

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Line 29: Daly Waters OT Station had a Station Master and an Assistant Station Master plus a number if linemen.