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[MS 49]

London 6 June 1821

My dear friend
From my long silence you'l surely imagine
that the once favoured name of Cox endeared by
all the friendship of youth had been quite eradicated
but not so! that germ which once budded still
exists if it has not showed its bloom at least it
will endeavour to unfold them now & hereafter also if
opportunity offers my mind hurries me on back
I should endeavour to retire into myself for a few
moments while the reason of my long neglected cores-
pondence is again in some measure resumed &
more particularly as it regards the present favourable
opportunity of sending these imperfect few lines is here I may
be charged with selfishness but believe me when
I say it is selfishness that you would be [indecipherable - forgiving?]
of because it springs from something like pure
friendship - that the gratification of sending
a letter or two by a young Gentleman who to

[page 2 - written on top]

to the honor & to the glory of our desire Masters in
.... we laying out ourselces for spheres of usefulness
in the womb of amongst the children of God - Are we
striving to lay up our treasures in heaven where nei-
ther moth nor ... doth .....
through not steal one we constantly endeavouring
to match in prayer that we may live in constant
preparation for our latter end - ... & too
I trouble for myself but trust you are not same
mindful of these things - [rest of line crossed out]
[start of line crossed out] Where have I hurried
,yself - fellings will they must have vent and I
sincerely hope my dear George will not be offended
at my predicament - if it be ill a day or ill
tried circumstances & affection feeling must plead

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Cox, George. "Letter to Thomas Hawas." Hassall Family Papers, 1793-2000, vol. Series 2: Hassall family, correspondence, 1793-ca. 1900. Sub-series 1: volume 1, 1796-1854. File 1: pp 1-690, State Library of New South Wales, 6 June 1821.