



Status: Incomplete

[MS 558]

Revd & Dr Sir/
I wrote you a letter while at
Batavia & left ? ? to be forwarded which hope
will come safe to hand - With the
Letter you gave me to copy, (upon
parting): I afterwards found two cer
tificates in favour of Mr Williams
formerly the B? of
the court - woth which I do not ?
?member recieving any ?
therefor I shall keep them , until I
hear what they are
to be done with - Tui & Teterre
suffered much during the voayage. after leaving upang,
they both had the fever at Batavia
Teterre was very ill with dysentry *
since we left, has several times had
the ague very violently, Poor Old Teh was also vill after we
left Batavia?

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Hassall, Rowland. "Letter to Thomas Hassall." Hassall Family Papers 1793-2000, vol. Series 2: Sub-series 4: correspondence, volume 4, 1811-1895. File 2: pp. 403-894, 1816-1866, State Library of New South Wales.


Hassall, Thomas. "Letter to Samuel Marsden." Hassall Family Papers 1793-2000, vol. Series 2: Sub-series 4: correspondence, volume 4, 1811-1895. File 2: pp. 403-894, 1816-1866, State Library of New South Wales, 18 March 1818.

this letter is to Thomas Hassall, not J. Hassall, and he is not yet a clergyman - so am not sure if the catalogue should say "Rev" https://search.sl.nsw.gov.au/primo-explore/fulldisplay?docid=ADLIB_INDEX150137291&context=L&vid=SLNSW&lang=en_US&search_scope=MOH&adaptor=Local%20Search%20Engine&tab=default_tab&query=any,contains,A%201677%20%2F%204%2Fpp.558&offset=0