



Status: Complete

Tuesday 22.

Durack and Kilfoyle after having returned, Sid, Josey and I had three horses
saddled and went off ourselves to look for the camp. We went along another side of the
Gut for about a couple of miles then came to a deep gully where there was another possibility
of crossing with horses and which contained no water. We then went off northwards and found the
ground very rocky and fearfully bad for the horses so about three o'clock returned to camp
coming back by way of the creek down a very steep hill. Within a few minutes
of our return Durack and Kilfoyle also returned and told us they had found a camp
about six miles distance. It was then decided that we should start on the Thursday for the new
ground. In the evening Sid and Durack had a row about their having gone off
without giving any of us notice and about their general behaviour. Durack
spoke very mildly and excused this by saying they thought he knew the route
they were about to take and that they did not hear him cooeeing. Sid said it would be better
for us to part than to go on in the way we had been doing lately
Durack putting on so much side and fancying himself boss. He also said the others
never made themselves sociable and that there had been two parties throughout, therefore it would be as well if
we separated. Durack said he was willing to do so. Sid told Durack that he had
said that he did not believe my [indecipherable] the direct the route as he could not understand what I was doing with fixing [indecipherable].

Wednesday 23

Was spent in shoeing horses, packing boxes and other preparations for
leaving camp but affairs were not so stormy today. Weather very hot. Sid
shot a bronze winged pigeon and then some shot rattled the canvas which had been

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