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[Crossed through - Wednesday Novr. 22]

when we must telegraph for more to take us home. It must not be forgotten that I have Sid's watch
and instruments [?] that which Mr. Emanuel supplied him. McLarty in answer to a proposal from him as to
inspecting country if any persons in Sydney or elsewhere should want it done said he would willingly
do it but the expense would depend on the distance. He would have to take three or four men and six horses to go any
distance and I could calculate the money that would have to be paid for this great length of journey and time taken
with a little more for the latter but that I might depend on an accurate report of country and thorough inspection of it.
Horses die quickly about Beagle Bay district. It is thought that they eat some poisonous plant then they go to
drink and often fall dead while drinking or immediately afterwards. The sheep seem to get
on pretty well but this party lost fifty percent through [indecipherable] them so badly and from taking
in so much salt water. Large number of paper
bark trees many being cajeput
trees, also palms &c not much grass
numerous springs with elevated banks
perpetual water and which seems to be very good. This party have had
some sheep drowned in some of the springs. They seem to take things pretty easily
beside when they should be making yards or minding the sheep though they seem to be good young fellows
enough. Pettit is going back to the Sound to go to Cossack in the Dana.
Re Legs, Mr McLarty met him travelling one time from the Fitzroy
and asked where he was going and was told that Legs had heard that a woman had been put up a tree

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