


Status: Complete

¶ kyrieleison cristeleison was þat meri song
þis holi man þat þis iherde ne þoute him noþing long
wel aȝte he to heuen come after his ending dai
whan þe while he was aliue so moche of heuen isai ·
þe harpe he loueþe suiþe wel of harpe he couþe i nou
a dai he sat in his solas ⁊⁊ al dai þer on þow
þe harpe he heng oþ bi þe wowe þo hit was time to ete
þo hit was ȝare þerto ibrout he sat doun to his mete
of heuen he gan to þenche þo of ioie þat was þere
of þe ioifol blis þat þer was among halwen þat þer were
¶ he sat as he were inome so moch þeron he þouȝte
¶ his harpe þat heng bi þe wowe of wam he lite rouȝte
bi gan to cuþe his holi þouȝt þed tre þei hit were
as oure lordes wille was as herde all þat were þere
al bi him sulue he gan to harpe a meri anteme ywis
þat me singþ ȝȝut hut in holi cherche þat an englisc is þis
halwen soules glad beþ þat in heuen beþ ido
þat sweþ oure lordes wei ⁊ for hi schedde also
hor blod for his suete loue þer fare hi scholleþ wone
⁊ kinges be wit outen hende wit crist goddes sone
¶ þis antene þat meri is as þe folc herden also
þe harpe song al bi him selue as he heng bi þe walle
fair grace our lord scheweþe him þere whan þat deþ tre
so scholde singe of þilke ioie þat he scholþe Inne be
lord yhereþ be din grace ⁊ þi miȝt also
þat þu wost fo him her aliue such miracle do
þo þis holi man hadde ileueþ an erde moni a dai
⁊ his ending dai was nei icome as he him sulf isai
¶ an holi þorsdai he were sek as hit fel in þe ȝere
¶ he let of sende his frend þat special him were
his men þat him serueþe ek he let of clepie also
⁊ for ȝef hma al hor trespas þat hi him hadde misdo
⁊ a souleþe hom of hor sinne ⁊ in godes bendes lai
⁊ so he lai al þilke time ⁊ also þen fridai
he let clepie þen seterdai his breþren bifore him also
⁊ beþ hom habb goddai ⁊ sede what schol be bifalle
⁊ let him do al his riȝtes ⁊ our lordes fles nom
his soule wente out of þis world ⁊ wel sone to heuen com

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