


Needs Review



[stamp] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION [handwritten] 730 [stamp] WASHINGTON D.C.

May. 20' 1855

My Dear Robert

I have been delayed in sending off your chest, by the failure of the man to make the Jointed landing net, which I know you consider of much importance: It is however done, and I now send the lot by express, freight prepaid, (or so ordered) to wit no 1. wooden chest, (key enclosed) containing. No. 2. Two large coffer cans 3. one Iron wrench. 4. one Inflating bag 5. one Jointed frame net 6. one bundle of bags 7. a lot of labels 8. a few books. &c. &c.

The use of all the things you

Last edit 10 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


know already, or can find out from the pamphlet.

The chest is addredded simply to R. Kennicott, Chicago. It is one with its cans which Lt M' Rae had in South America. with which he crossed the continent from Buenos Ayres to Valparaiso.

You will probably find one of the cans answer most of your purpose. At any rate after you get through your [illegible] labor of collecting I would be glad to have you send one by express, enclosed in a box to secure it, to B. F. Odell Plum Spring, Delaware Co, Iowa. He wants one very much. He might make a good correspondent for you You need not send anything else.

All right about charging the alcohol &. My last

Last edit 10 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


[stamp] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION [handwritten] 730 [stamp] WASHINGTON D.C.

letter discusses this question quite fully.

I am now satisfied the snake is Regina grahamii It is more interesting however to find so remote a new locality than if it were [illegible].

I do want the mink skin. Keep it in alcohol, if not already dry. Get lots of weasels if you can - everywhere. I am now at them. Your little varmint sent in pieces! is probably Pu- torius agilis

I got a lot of 81 field white foot mice. & shrews. to-day - 50 mice, 28 Sorex dekayi. and 3 Sorex platyshenos. - in alcohol. All from Massachussetts. The gentleman sending, apologises for the small number; but

Last edit 10 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


says that the first week of June he will send a larger number, as his pupils now in their vacation will be back then, each bringing a lot. His school numbers over 200! That is the way I like to see them come in. I would like 500 of a kind - and would then be sure of all varieties. His species is different from any of yours. I wont pretend now to say what yours are but will wait for more specimens, wet & dry.

Yours ever S.F. Baird

Robt. Kennicott West Northfield Ill

Last edit 10 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
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