


Needs Review


Aug. 2, 1856.

R. W. Kennicott: -

The engravers and printers are hurrying me to death at present, and till my second Report is thro' the press I have not a moment to spare.

I have the draft of a long letter to you, written months ago - some note on the list of Prof. Leconte &c. &c - and saying, keep all these specimens safe in your own hands & don't let them get injured - till I get time to give the coleoptera a look. Then I will be greatly obliged to you for the loan of some of them. But at present they will do me no good, & may be of some help to you.

I also have an examination of the lice you found on young Pines in a yard in Springfield Ill. - & the coccinella which destroys them & Apple Bark lice. I had intended copying this for insertion in the Prairie Farmer, but some other call upon me, drove me off from making the copy for the press. I hope to do so yet, or make some other return for the Prairie F. - which comes to me regularly. I peruse your articles in it with much

Last edit 8 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


interest. You are on the right road, I see. But I have not time to read half the agricultural papers sent me. I only glance over them, to see if there is anything on insects.

I am very sorry to hear of your father's illness. I was laid up, one six months with Rheumatism & feared I was a cripple for life. No medicine cured or helped it. It gradually wore off. And by carefully avoiding all exposure to damp, cold weather I have (to my surprise) been wholly free from the slightest Rheumatic pain, for more than ten years, now.

Your letter of July 27, I must not attempt to answer now - to examine the specimens, &c. would take me off from my work for a day; when I ought not to leave it for an hour - no, not for a minute. But when this horrid burthen is off my shoulders, I will try to give you a long talk.


Yours truly,

Asa Fitch.

Last edit 8 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
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