


Needs Review


Beesleys Point, NJ Aug. 9 '1856

Dear Robert.

If you can substanteate your ideas about the feeding of certain "snaiks" on caterpillars and grubs you may do much for the relief of this persecuted [illegible]

By all means send notes on the habits of the Rodents to the Phila. Academy. - It will not interfere at all with my plans, as I can take the data rom the published proceedings even better than from the mss. and the facts will be thus more widely distributed. Make your paper for the Academy as full as that you proposed to write for me, and let it be published by A: I can then extract and publish afterwards in one form or other

Last edit 8 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


Your father ought to take out a patent for his new cure for rheumatism. Or he might advertise the formula to the afflicted in exchange for a 5.00 bill.

There is no trouble to be anticipated in reference to the Smithsonian Committee of investigation. In fact I have heard little or nothing about it.

The gentleman who will do the Hymenoptera is Mr. H. de Saussure. is a native of Geneva, and has already published a work on European Wasps. You had better keep a series for yourself or any one else you wish to supply. Send alhoptera to Dr. Fitch to label if he will and if he will describe the new species at once, it will be all the better

I shall not be able to visit the State fair this year, much to my regret

Yours truly S.F. Baird

Robt. Kennicott

Last edit about 1 year ago by KokaKli
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