


Needs Review


[printed letterhead] [top left] PRAIRIE FARMER, A WEEKLY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO Western Agriculture, Horticulture, Mechanics, Education, Literature, Markets and General News.

EDITED BY CHARLES D. BRAGDON. JOHN A. KENNICOTT, Corresponding Editor Assisted by over 500 practical Farmers and Mechanics, who have heretofore written and will continue, with many others, to write for the benefit of their brethren and the public.

The "Prairie Farmer" is devoted to the interests of the Western farmer and mechanic. It is the oldest agricultural paper in the West; is published weekly in quarto form, for binding; is characterized by a high moral tone; labors to promote the interests and advancement of the WHOLE of the family, and to develop the agricultural resources of the West. A special and competent Commercial Reporter is employed to give accurage Market Reports weekly. It is essentially THE family paper for the West.

TERMS.--1 copy 1 year, $2 in advance, or $2 50 at the end of the year. 11 copies 1 year, $20 } 20 copies 1 year, $50 } Free copy to the person sending club. 50 copies 1 year, $75 }

[hand pointing right] An old subscriber sending TWO NEW ones, and $5, will receive THREE copies 1 year. Subscriptions at the club rates must be paid invariably in advance. SUBSCRIBE NOW.-- YOU WANT AND NEED "THE FARMER." WE WANT YOU TO HAVE IT.

[hand pointing right] Current money may be sent by mail at our risk, PROVIDED THE LETTERS ARE REGISTERED. Address "Prairie Farmer," 47 Clark street, Chicago, Ill.

ADVERTISEMENTS of an appropriate character inserted at TEN CENTS PER LINE each insertion--PAYMENT IN ADVANCE.

[top right] Office of the "Prairie Farmer," No. 47 Clark Street, Chicago, [written] May 25 [printed] 185 [written]7

Dear Bob. Your kind letter of the 24th is at hand. Thanks for your congratulations. We shall be happy to see you I suppose you are in this enjoying a visit from your Father, who will assure you of the straightening out of all matters of an unpleasant character. It is better nothing more should be said about it. Your cousins shall be attended to - papers sent &c. Frank and Miss Boyden are just in from your place - all well. Frank has rec'd letter from his friends & goes to him boy instead of Kansas. His sister is sick, enclosed find a letter just recd by me

Last edit 4 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


You better answer it. I have sent him paper as he requests I shall be glad to hear from you - thro P. F. as any time, as you very well know, but not at the expense of your health, or by foregoing other duties. I am busy of course & you must excuse detail &c

Write when convenient

Sincerely your friend C D Bragdon

Last edit 4 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
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