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The Grove. West Northfield Feb 19th/58.

Dear Bob:

We (that is Alice Amasa and I) are invitede over to the Steele's this evening to a party. It has been snowing almost continually for the last week and is still snowing: and I am afraid we shall not be able to go for it has begun to drift today, and Mother will think that the roads will be too bad for us to venture though Major says that it won't drift as badly in the woods as on the prairie. Major was quite sick daybefore-yesterday, he has not been so sick before in years: he is almost well today and wants to go over there this evening but Mother thinks it is not best for him to go out. If we do go as I hope we shall for it is the first time that any of our neighbors have invited us to a party, I will tell you whether I think the "North Branch" girls

Last edit 11 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


superior to the Northfield girls.

Have you received any Valentines? Charlie recieved one and Major has written as many as six: he wrote the one to Charlie, we had a great deal of fun out of it: Charlie has not found out yet who wrote it. Major got on Saturday the day before St Valentines day an old envelope of Charlies postmarked Rock Island and spilt a drop of ink on the date which was about the 28 of August, and then wrote a Valentine and got Mr Clark to copy it; it was something like this -

"Oh Charlie is it true that you are going to marry" etc. etc.

And then in another place he said "Oh! sic a I whife as Whollie had, I would not gie a button for her, She had an u' she had but ene' (but this , one has two) Her nose and chin they threaten ether"

And you know how true that is of Delia, her nose and chin do "threaten ether." Delia thinks that Lizzy wrote it and so does Charlie. After a while Am is going to tell them. I expect Charlie will be "hopping." about it. Father enjoyed the joke hugely.

Father says we must catch some advise you to catch some of those rich young ladies in Washington: but I advise you to do no such thing; I advise you never to marry for money only. Mother said she is was going to write to you herself when I asked her if she had any word to send to you.

Small girl Cora

Last edit 11 months ago by KokaKli
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