


Needs Review


[circled] 157 Home, Sunday, March 21st

We got a bit of a mail yesterday, but nothing from you, and so felt just a little uneasy; as it was a full week since we had heard from you - But this morning morning, we have yours of the 11th inst. - to Major - and a very large mail besides, which had got to Niles, and was sent for last night. Glad you are so well situated, in regard to club associates, and prospects for money - though I had got it so fixed that I could send you $50. at any moment - as I have [illegible] $100. now in Bank - and can get on with half of it, if necessary - But now I shall probably pay some more pressing debts, - as you say you can borrow there. But should you happen to want, bear in mind that we shall be very like to have some money on hand, till middle of May, when we shall have to lift that Dutch note of $300 - Our Sales are like to be very limited, indeed; but still we may look to receive some $500. or $600. - I should think. - We have now two men besides Lawrence; at $10. on trial - Expect to hire by the day, soon -

A letter from young Kidder, by this mail, mentions Bairds having written to the University folk, "speaking of him" (you) "in great terms of praise". So you see they are probably well aware of your value to them. Another letter from Jim Fitch of Alton, talking of you, and hoping for a visit - John Fitch is just married - a "Miss Mary E. Hamlin" - by the cards enclosed -

Last edit 11 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


[in the margin, circled] 158

O.B. Galusha of Kendall Co. in a letter to me, writes you that he has abandoned his old notion that Rabbits guard trees, and now agrees with your opinion in Prairie Farmer - for "on close inspection I find unmistakable signs that mice on the depredators". "I have just lost about 1000 tons (of orchard size) by them" - trees girdled stood in a snow bank - The Rabbits head "clipped" his young grafts very baddy, but without sporting them - Rabbits very abundant there,

The Athen's man, tells a different story, - and his assertion that there was no snow at the time is good negative Evidence against mice - Dr Richardson, now of Chicago, writes me that the "Catamount" killed there (near the State Fair grounds in Bridgeport) reported in Chicago papers, is a true Jaugaur, and no "wild cat" - Some German is to set it up. Rather cool & windy to-day - We look for Alice home - and Charlie will probably return with Guy Cutting should he bring Alice home - A letter (in one to me) from Robt Good of Anna - which I will enclo enclose now, or soon -

Monday 22d

Pretty cool last night - Alice did not come - I have got off 8 letters to-day - and the Major has actually commenced digging trees

Old Father

Last edit 11 months ago by KokaKli
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