


Needs Review


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Sunday afternoon

Bah, bah - weather warm - but snow deep & mud deeper. Mercury actually up to 39[degrees] - snow 3/4 & rain 1/4 the time - and snow melting nearly as it falls. - Got three letters, much wanted, (one dated 8th Nov. with a check in it) and all mailed two weeks ago, in Chicago - only two weeks, coming 18 miles - Railroads about as slow - things shipped from the 1st to 6th Nov - going from 80 to 150 miles - 8 to 12 days on the way - no wonder the Railroads are going to the devil with such management, with freight known to be perishable - are trusted to this honor.

I have an awful "cold in my head" - nose feels as though full of pepper, and head full of bees. Shant write much. I fear - and mails are like to stop, any way - as the mud is unfathomable - stage three hours getting from the Point, yesterday.

Last edit about 1 year ago by KokaKli
Needs Review



Monday morning 29th Nov Shall send this by Frank - Weather as yesterday, cloudy but warm - mercury 34[degrees] at sunrise -

Northern friends wish to have me in the state ag'l society again, and offers to support me for President or Ar. Sec. as I please - But here is the point - should the North ask my election as President, it would be certain - for I should have the Southern Illinois votes, also, and the Center would scarce over=turn upon an apposition, to me - But in again to the Secretaryship I am not cer=tain - There is money in it - and therefore worth a struggle; and then many whin the office of the Society should had Springfield; and old Francis or some one else might easily beat me for that office -

Last edit 11 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


[circled] 78 (3

I should like your opinion - Shall I try for the uncertain Secretaryship, and certain pay if I get it - or the more certain & honorable Pres=iding without pay?

Old Father

Last edit 11 months ago by KokaKli
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