


Needs Review


[printed] WEST NORTHFIELD, ILL., Dec. 15, 1858.

[written] To members of Legislature

[printed[ SIR:

I beg leave to call your attention to the enclosed propositions respecting a zoölogical survey of Illinois.

During a number of years spent in the investigation of the animals of Illinois, I have, throughout the State, made large collections, which are now deposited chiefly at the Smithsonian Institution. Thus very much of the material required--particularly of vertebrate animals--for making the report referred to is already collected. And, should a survey be ordered by the Legislature and I be considered competent to make it, I would, with the promised assistance of the Smithsonian Instutution and some of our best naturalists, be enabled to complete it and prepare the report in two years to be presented for publication at the next session of Legislature.

Should you comsider such a survey of sufficient importance to the agricultural and educational interests of our State to warrant legislative acrion on the subject, I would respectfully ask you to interest yourself in the passage of a bill by the Legislature of Illinois, providing for it.

I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, yours,


[written] OLIVE

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