


Needs Review


Home. Friday Dec. 17'

Dear Bob - I am on my 10th letter; for all the lame eye - I got the Commis=sioners invitation, yesterday, and sent my acceptance[underlined] to day - Hope to leave Chica=go on Tuesday[underlined] or Wednesday[underlined] of the week previousto meeting; and not[underlined] stop[underlined] by the way.

If I can get off on[underlined] the[underlined] cars][underlined], I shall probably stand it - the worst[underlined] will be getting off -

I would much prefer hiring[underlined] with you, at the "Stimpsonian," in a quiet way, to going into a public House - or even a pri[underlined]- =vate[underlined] one, unless of home like character - I shall have no energy to waste[underlined], outside[underlined] the[underlined] meeting[underlined]; and I cant stand a great deal of cereomy or "racket" -

Mother has looked in vain for your Memorandum book -

Last edit 11 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


Our law makers get paid[underlined] for only "40 days" session - and usually adjourn about the last of February. I will write to Frank for a list of members - Mine has been put away and lost[underlined] -

I shall calculate to come home by way of Springfield - so as not to neglect your interests - And I should like to reach Wash=ington before[underlined] the meeting, so as to learn when it is through.

Ira's eyes are improving - and my[underlined] eye is better - tho' painful - Major's ancle still lame - He has been careless with it - Weather mild; but nothing doing.

Old Father

Last edit 11 months ago by KokaKli
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