


Needs Review


State House, Committee Room Tuesday, February 1st '59

Dear Bob.

I have just read your letter (to Johnson) and he says he "will help" - doubtful - I also, by his advice, visited Gov. Bissell again, - instead of writing him,as I intended. The Gov. recievd me kindly, and I found him in better health - He said that he had written "three pages" on the subject of the survey, intending [word crossed out] to send it in - but had been advised not to do so. Of course, I could not ask who gave the advice. He said you must not give up; though he feared the Bill would not pass this year - said there would be no called session, unless some need urgency Exigency called for it. He would not call them together to do such busi=ness as they chose to neglect now. But he thought you would get the survey in the end.

The House Committee (Mr Job of Alton, or near there, Chairman) will report a Bill, copied from what you sent, the moment the committee is "called" - to-day, probably - and then your matter will stand as fair a chance as any, of the three hundred Bills before the House, - and they say a better chance than most.

Last edit about 1 year ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


[circled] 2

Wilbur has got his bill introduced. He makes me one of the carparators[?], and asks for $2,000 per year, and says that you are to be Zoologist - of course, I deny this - strenuously - and so his friends go - and say that the survey you ask will be of no use, as the cabinet could be here, instead of at the "Normal" where thiss is to go - and so make a fight in the name of "populous Education" - versus "science" - and they get on with some strength - But I think I have put a stufhes[?] over all by telling members that my name is used without my authority, and yours contrary to your expressed opin=ion, and wishes, in the premises - and so it stands - all say I can do no more good; that the Bill will pass, if any appropriation is like to pass - I mean any need one - and none have passed yet - In fact, not a single public bill has yet passed to a law!! and only a few private onces - So much will depend upon time - and the fights, that begin to-marrow. If the two great battles (Chicago charter & appartinement Bill) pass off speedily, your chance is still good - but not atturuise[?] - You have friends - never fear - and I am very busy calling[?] them up to the home.

Last edit about 1 year ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


Dr Valentyne Germilye (of Newark Ill) member from Kendall, is violently opposed to the Wilbur Scheme, & will aid yours - and Northern & McChesney say they will. Judge Blodget & others of the Senate promise stronghartly to get rid of my unpastienities[?], perhaps - and part of the Geological committee is in favor - but not all -

I expect to start for home to-night - shall have to draid[?] to pay expenses - but am not sorry I staid, - for I have got the thing well talked about, and a chance for it to go; and have worked hard, if not wisely, for it - So hope; but be prepared for disappointment as the most prakable[?] present issue.

Respects to Henrys & Bairds, and all the good boys of the "Stimpsonian" -

By the way, I still cough badly, but shall get well at home - I only want rest & quiet -

God bless & prosper you, my son

old Father

[page turned] P.S. It was the Rev Dr Springer who wrote the last article I sent you

Last edit about 1 year ago by KokaKli
Needs Review



Dear Bob - Your two letters (25" & 26") just rec'd - also one of yesterday from home - Mother has rheu=matism, and I am glad that I decided to go this night -

Bateman had not got Prof Henry's letter - He assured me that he was in favor of your project, however - & disapproved the other movement - But: John=son, I feel very certain is not candid - He is a treacherous, uncertain cur - I very much fear - and I think he & a few others like him, will the governor's opinion - But this is all in confidence - Keep it to yourself

Last edit about 1 year ago by KokaKli
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